how to make money on facebook

How to earn money from Facebook?

On many ways to earn money online, we will tell you today how you can earn money from Facebook. Well, there is no such system in Facebook, but to make money, there are many other ways that you can make money by using 100% Facebook. Let's know how to earn money from Facebook.

how to make money on facebook
how to make money from facebook 

You must have heard the name of amazon, amazon can be used to make money, amazon is a very branded and international company, today we will show a way to earn money from facebook using amazon.

Make Money from Facebook Using Amazon Affiliate (Earn Money From Facebook Using Amazon Affiliate)

Amazon Affiliate is a marketing program, you can sell any amazon product through Amazon Affiliate and you get commission. There is no need to put some money in it, it is absolutely free.

The process of Amazon Affiliate is very simple, just make an account in an amazon, later you have to fix it, you want to sell the product, after that you will get a link to sell that product. You have to post that link in Facebook, and when someone purchases anything by opening that link you will get a commission.

Here we will explain you step by step.

1. Sign up for Amazon Affiliate. You can do this from here:  Amazon Affiliate SignUp  (Sign Up to Amazon Affiliate for Facebook Through Amazon)

how to make money on facebook

2. After you do Jointing, you will see lots of options for advertising. Like today, we can see how little money can be shared with Facebook by sharing a product link. You can choose any way in your own way. To make money by sharing the link of the product, you can select Product Link. (Here We are Explain you to Earn money from Facebook Through Amazon Product Link)

how to make money on facebook

3. Select the category of the product you want to share. (Select category)

how to make money on facebook

4. Select categories or search for a product name. After that you will find his link. What kind of advertising do you want to show to the people, you can select from here. (Copy Link and Paste Anywhere)

how to make money on facebook

5. It is not that you just have to share that link in Facebook, you can share that link in the Internet world, when someone purchases anything through that link, you will get a commission. All done everything

How much commission will you get on any product, you can see from here. Amazon Afiiliate Commission Rate

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